Sunday, March 29, 2009

This is easy compared to...

I thought buying items not Made in China would be difficult. There are a few items I have given up on (edamame, for example, and apple juice... but we're switching to made in the USA white grape), but for the most part, it's been nice to say "sorry we can't buy it... it's made in China" and that often ends the begging for worthless junk that no one needs anyway (makes Wall-E and Idiocracy look like they could really happen).

BUT, compared to giving up High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) for Lent, giving up things Made in China for a lifetime is a walk in the park.

Do you know how many birthday parties I have been to since Lent began? Do you know how many times I have had to turn down a really good-smelling hot dog because the bun AND the ketchup have HFCS? ARG!

I had considered giving up TV for Lent, but decided against it for a few reasons... one is that I work from home for Matt & Jenny (my sister & her hubby) while I watch tv. It's boring work that's best done while watching CSI or Law & Order reruns. The second reason is that I honestly thought that giving up tv would be harder than giving up HFCS. I"ve done both before and recall that tv was harder, or so I thought. I have my Mexican Coke... I don't need no stinkin' Sonic happy hour cherry Coke with extra cherries, right?!?!?! I didn't consider the birthday parties. I should have brought my own ketchup (and buns).

At least the ketchup isn't Made in China, right? ;-)