Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gray Area

I have a gray area....

I am in charge of the Sock Hop at the school's Spring Fling. Spring Fling is a carnival/fundraiser day for the PTO. Part of my duties as Sock Hop coordinator is to make sure there are adequate glow-rings and glow-necklaces for sale to help generate $ for the PTO that day. Apparently these items will be available for purchase during the sock hop (we are new to the school, so I'm not 100% sure).

I am 99.99% sure that all glow-rings and glow-in-the-dark necklaces and other glowing paraphernalia is all Made in China.

These are not items I am purchasing for myself and I am not using my own money to buy them. Am I compromising my values by purchasing these things (through the PTO) to sell at the Spring Fling?

I know... I know... I am taking this WAAAAAAY too seriously! But do the kids who MAKE the glow rings get to even GO to school? Much less have a Spring Fling or a Sock Hop to raise money for their school!!! NO! They work 7 days a week, 12+ hours a day just so we can have this crap for pennies each.

I will probably do it, but perhaps delegate the purchasing... after all, I am not in charge of any finances. My responsibility is only to "make sure we have the glow-in-the-dark stuff" for the Sock Hop... it isn't to BUY the stuff. It still feels like a dirty little secret, though... It's gonna get out and they'll never let me in charge of the Sock Hop again (maybe this isn't a bad thing?!?!?).


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